It's Day 3 of the 31 Day Blogging Challenge and today I'm talking about my machines.
I am a Bernina girl and own four. Okay, okay, yes I own four Berninas. We also have my first sewing machine, a Pfaff, and two Janomes my children won in the house. And I'm getting another one soon. Is that too many? Nah....I have friends who own many more (okay, granted a lot of those are vintage, but it still counts, right?).
My travel machine and the one that I use most and that sits on my kitchen table most of the time is a Bernina 570. It is such a blast to use and I adore her.
I do all my show quilting on my Bernina 770 which sits in it's own Tracey's Table in my sewing room down stairs. I use this almost exclusively for free motion quilting.
This ad for the new Handi Quilter Capri is hanging on my wall. It's on order and they're supposed to start shipping this month. Fingers crossed that I'll have it to play with over Christmas break. I'm sew excited! I have four quilts pinned and awaiting it's arrival.
I hope you get to quilt today!
My, you do have quite the stable of machines!! I have a Janome I piece on, a Bernina that I use to embroider quilt labels and my Innova longarm. Have fun with your Capri!!