This month the Island Batik Ambassadors were challenged to make a Lone Star quilt. I remember making a miniature Lone Star quilt when I was in middle school (I had no idea they were hard LOL), but I've never made a big one.
The first thing I did was head over to Accuquilt's website to see what dies they had I could use to make a Lone Star. I chose the Carpenter's Wheel die as the diamond was larger than the Prairie Star die which finish at just 1 inch.
I then started to think about what I could put in the corners that would be interesting and different. I looked at a bunch of pictures online and I love the ones with complicated applique, but I didn't want to do a bunch of applique. Then I started looking at other Accuquilt Block on Board dies and came upon the Pickle Dish Die which is one of my favorites. It makes the quilt look like it has a circle around it!

Island Batik is giving away two fat quarter bundles this week! Click on the Rafflecopter link to enter the contest! a Rafflecopter giveaway
I hope you get to quilt today!
Be sure to check out all the other amazing Lone Star quilts from my fellow Ambassadors!
December 5

Maryellen McAuliffe, Mary Mack Made Mine
Gail Sheppard, Quilting Gail
December 6

Megan Best, Bestquilter
Brenda Alburl, Songbird Designs
December 7

Preeti Harris, Sew Preeti Quilts
Emily Leachman, The Darling Dogwood
December 8

Jennifer Thomas, Curlicue Creations
December 9
Blog Hop Round-Up Week 1 and Giveaway
December 12

Reed Johnson, Blue Bear Quilts
Suzy Webster, Websterquilt
December 13

Gail Renna, Quilt Haven Threads
Jennifer Fulton, Inquiring Quilter
December 14

Denise Looney, For the Love of Geese
Claudia Porter, Create with Claudia
December 15

Leah Malasky, Quilted Delights
Andi Stanfield, True Blue Quilts
December 16
Blog Hop Round-Up Week 2 and Giveaway
December 19

Mania Hatziioannidi, Mania for Quilts
Michelle Roberts, Creative Blonde Gifts
December 20

Pamela Boatright, Pamela Quilts
Connie Kauffman, Kauffman Designs
Sandra Starley, Textile Time Travels
December 21

Jane Hauprich, Stitch by Stitch Custom Quilting
Lisa Pickering, Lisa’s Quilting Passion
December 22

Brianna Roberts, Sew Cute and Quirky

Anorina Morris, Samelia’s Mum
Elizabeth DeCroos, Epida Studio