Wednesday, March 14, 2018

A Little Paint and a Little Applique....A Fix for Block 3

Block three doesn't work.  It's too light compared to the background fabric.  It blends in with it too much.  I don't want to redo this block, so I decided to try to fix it instead.

First I painted the purple green.   Then I tried out different fabrics to replace the pink.  I thought I was going to like this one below, but I don't.  It has too much yellow.

Here is that same fabric compared to a more solid lime green.  I like the solid much better.  To replace the shape I simply cut it about 1/16th of an inch wider than the original and put it right on top.

Yes, the lime works well.

Now I need to fix the little purple dots.  Here are two possibilities.  I like the top one.  I think the dot in the bottom one is too big.

All fixed and read to be ironed!  I like this much better than the original pink.  It stands out more.

I hope you get to quilt today!

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see your transition as you work through this. I like your final outcome! I just realized I've been following you on IG for a bit :-) I recognized this design from seeing it on your IG posts.
