Saturday, January 4, 2020

Handi Quilter Capri Learning for the Day

I finally had the time to really sit down and play with my Handi Quilter Capri today.  It can keep up with me when I do big swirly feathers which is just fantastic and I don't have to worry about stitch length when I'm in regulated mode!  So freeing.  

That being said, it's still a HUGE learning curve.  Here's what I've learned so far:

1.  Keep the bottom and top thread the same.  I tried to use some thread that came on one of the bobbins and my tension went crazy, so I went back to the same thread I was using before.
2.  You have to wind the thread around the bobbin winder tension disk TWO times and make sure their is a LONG thread tail wrapped around the bobbin before it winds nicely.
3.  I like the foot pedal better than the go button.  I didn't expect this, but it's true for me.
4.  I'm still not sure how to adapt to not being able to make the tiny locking stitches I'm used to doing on my Bernina.  Time will tell how this one shakes out.  For now, I'm not doing show quilting on it, so it's fine, but we shall see what happens as I get used to my Capri.
5.  I love that it can keep up wiht me!
6.  I like a speed of about 375 so far.  
7.  It's fun!

Here's what I've been working on (the fabric line is Enchanted Garden by Island Batik)

Used up my first complete bobbin!

My lovely machine got some new artwork I purchased from Helen Godden hanging on the wall next to her.  It's so beautiful and such great inspiration!

I hope you get to quilt today!

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