Let's see how I did on my goals:
For 2018:1. Write a pattern for Island Batiks and (fingers crossed) continue to be an ambassador for them.
Both accomplished! I so enjoy trying out new ideas and creative challenges from Island Batiks. Here are a few favorites.

I also have a pattern coming out through them in the spring...but you'll have to wait and see what it is!
2. Try to get articles/patterns published in magazines OR work on a new book to be proposed to quilt publishers. Let's be real...it's one or the other until a book is done. That's the way I'm leaning right now.
I did self publish another book of filler patterns. So goal accomplished.

3. Finish that show quilt that's been sitting still for the last 6 months. Yes, I have another. I hope to have it done for the MQX deadline.
Yes! Done. It's off at Road to California right now. Fingers crossed.

4. Fill out the paperwork to apply to teach at a Minnesota Quilters Show in the future. This also involves developing class and lecture proposals.
Done! I'm teaching three days of classes! The meeting to talk about the show are this week on Thursday and Saturday! I'm excited. I'm teaching the following classes and registration starts soon:
Free Motion Quilting
Combining Painting and Applique
Free Motion Filler Pizzazz
Beginning Modern Paper Piecing
5. Figure out a good place to teach locally.
Done! I'm teaching three classes at Field Trip Quilting.
6. I have another piece of embroidery I want to do a "quilting vintage" quilt with
Nope. I really do want to get to this one, but the pile of things that need to be free motion quilted keeps getting larger...
7. Sell some of my small pieces as the pile is getting rather large.
Nope. I have given away about a dozen however. That's progress.
So now the BIG QUESTION is....goals for 2019
1. Continue to be an Island Batik Ambassador and write another pattern for them.
2. I'd love to do another mystery quilt for Minnesota Quilters next year as it was such fun this year.
3. Submit at least 2 quilt proposals to magazines.
4. Finish two show quilts that are ready for quilting. Well, maybe one is more realistic. We'll see.
5. Submit another quilt for the National Quilt Museum's Wheel of Fortune contest this year.
6. Finish and submit my blue quilt for IQA Houston's Sapphire Exhibit. It's made from all Island Batik Fabrics.
7. Have something printed by Karlee Porter and Honest Fabrics and quilt it.
Well, that's a lot. Here we go...
I hope you get to quilt today!
I've never heard of Field Trip Quilting, so I'll have to check it out. You have some good goals for 2019. I am hoping to get to the mystery quilt later this week (I'm already behind - ack!).