Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Island Batik Ambassadors Looking Back, Vintage Challenge - Part 4 - Completed Top

When I started trying to decide what to make for the Island Batik Ambassador's Looking Back, Vintage Quilts Inspiring New Creations challenge I wasn't quite sure where to begin.  I have an amazing quilt of my great grandmother's that I plan to show you soon that I thought about replicating, but when I pulled it out, while I adore it, I wasn't inspired by it.  

So what to do?  Duh....go searching on Pinterest.

But what to search?  I tried "Vintage Quilts" and got a big hodge podge of things that Pinterest always gives you.  Then I tried something else.  I know that Kansas City Star Newspaper has been publishing quilt patterns for a long time.  So I did a search of Kansas City Star's what I found.  I LOVED it!  This piece of history is in a museum in Michigan.  

Now, you know me if you read my blog on a regular basis....I have trouble following patterns.  Not because I can't, but because I like to make them my own.  So I started playing around in Electric Quilt 7 to see what I could come up with.

Kansas City Star, The Circular Saw. A Pattern Using Both Large and Small Pieces, January 13, 1932

The Quilt Index

Here's my final top.  I added an extra little curve to the New York Beauty type block and I added and extra block in the corners.  I absolutely love how this came out!  I can't wait to get started quilting it.

Here are the parts from my first three posts in this series:  The inner curve

The center square

The New York Beauty pieces

Here's I've finished the first New York Beauty piece and set it with extra fabric.  You can see I had to add some extra pieces due to a sizing error on my part.  Oops.  It worked out okay though.

Here's I've pinned the second New York Beauty block in place.

All done it needs to be squared up.

And the top is complete!  I love the way this orange and plum from the Island Batik Plum Delicious Line play together with one of their neutral backgrounds.  It's such fun and I can't wait to get started on quilting it!

I must admit that I'm especially proud of how the center square came out.  It's aligned just right and was worth the extra time I spent making sure that happened.

Come back next time to see the quilting process!

I hope you get to quilt today!