So this blog is all about quilting. Especially my favorite applique! And I realized that I didn't have any applique projects in the works to share with you. PROBLEM! So, I had to create something new. (Play with fabric? Okay!) I decided that I wanted to do something a little different. So I decided to do clamshell shaped blocks....wish me luck putting it together eventually...
Here's my first block, first layer. I had a lot of fun fussy cutting the dark purple fabric so that blue dot was right at the top.
Here's the back once it's all stitched up.
Here's the second layer. I love the contrast in the greens. It was a goal in this project for me to use a large variety of greens. I tend to have trouble with that, so I kept it in mind as I was working.
And the back of the second layer.
More Saturday!
I hope you get to quilt today!